Framing Time

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This weekend our local Boy Scouts had their annual Labor Day yard sale. We were at the gates, waiting for it to open at 8:00 a.m.! As soon as they let us in I made a beeline for the picture frames, as I am still on the lookout for more square frames. I made out with over a dozen great frames, and then hit Hobby Lobby for some foam board. The kids start school on Wednesday, so after a few days of playing catch-up on work, I might have time this weekend to finally get some of my 37 finished projects framed. Yes, you read that right. Thirty-seven unframed, yet completed pieces. Most of the frames I bought second hand will need to be cleaned and then painted, and I am still working on gridding the Summer Ball fabric. And of course, Adrienne’s Christmas stocking is always begging to be worked on. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get all my stitchy stuff done!


A Nice Find

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frames2Today our church was having a yard sale and I found what I have been looking for for months: square picture frames. There was a set of 4 wooden frames, painted brown, all with some pretty old needlework pieces inside. The yarn in hues of oranges, yellows, and greens make me think they were circa 1960. The needlepoint was actually coming undone from the frames, because they had been attached with masking tape, which had long since lost its stick.

The ugly stitched pieces
The ugly stitched pieces

I will be throwing away the stitched pieces (sorry, whomever stitched these!) and repainting the frames. I got out my box of finished pieces and found 6 items that all needed a square frame of this exact same size. So I picked out 4 of them and can’t wait to get painting and framing! 3 of the pieces are Halloween themed, and the other is a pink heart. I think I might paint the Halloween frames all the same, even though the patterns are all from different designers and the fabrics are different colors. I better get going on that, since September is just around the corner!
