Hobby Lobby Finish #1

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We have a finish! Being sick for a week didn’t help, as I could barely get out of bed. I certainly didn’t have the ability to focus on stitching. But I finally got over the worst of it and took a couple of days to do nothing but watch TV and stitch. Whenever I get sick, I have the habit of trying to get back to doing my normal routine too quickly, and then I have a setback and end up being sick longer than I should have. So this time I decided to take it easy for a couple of extra days. Luckily no one else in the house got sick, and I’m wondering if I just wasn’t in a really bad flare instead of being “contagious” sick. I feel like my inflammation levels were super high and I just needed tons of sleep. My husband thinks it was actually the physical therapy exercises I have been given to do at home that caused me to be out for the count… I sure hope not because I’m depending on those exercises to get my pain levels down a notch.

I still have to mount this in the hoop that came with the kit but it is pressed and ready to go. I think I will move onto a new project and then finish off a bunch of things all at once.


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